Growing up, I always loved hair.
Other people’s hair, my hair, my Barbie’s hair. It was one of my first loves. Realizing my childhood dream of becoming a hairdresser opened doors for me beyond my wildest dreams - and JVN Hair is one of those wildest dreams I now find myself living. Sometimes, the haircare industry can feel overwhelming, but this blog is here to help you find the beauty that’s already inside you.
This blog is a space for us to explore all things hair and beauty.
Under The Dryer is here to help you navigate this gorgeous industry with more ease and confidence. Come as you are means we celebrate the beauty that's already inside of you!
After becoming a hairdresser, I got to work with dozens and dozens of brands through my 15 years (and counting) as a hairstylist. I realised so many people didn’t understand their own beauty, understand how to connect to it, nor did they know how to style their hair in as many ways as they wanted. The salon can be a place where you absorb information about hair you never even knew existed - so come and sit Under The Dryer and we’ll keep you informed.
Beauty is so much more than how your hair, skin, or exterior look, beauty is about the way we feel.
Our relationship to ourselves and our hair is an ever-evolving one that I want to empower people to approach with patience, love, and excitement. I want Under The Dryer to be a celebration of ourselves and the way we feel when we spend time on our relationship with ourselves and others who celebrate you too. We can celebrate our natural texture, and also want to change it up from time to time - I want you to feel welcome to play in our beauty sand box.

We’re getting into all angles on this blog - from the hows, the whys, the whats, and your hair looks AMAZING’s of haircare.
JVN hair is just getting started, and we’re so happy you’re here! Hair is a lot of things, but one thing it definitely is that made me fall in love with it is FUN. Lets make sure our relationship to our hair always have a bit of fun to it. Welcome to Under The Dryer.